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Friday, February 3, 2012

Humanity: Are We Lacking Compassion?

"Humanity: Are We Lacking Compassion?"
by Robbyn Wallace

I believe that it is up to humanity to realize the lessons put before us so that we evolve to the intended awareness that God seeks in our ultimate companionship. As of thus far, on a grand scale, we have so far to go. We are all connected which means that until all are enlightened we are stagnant in the universal consciousness. Enlightenment for mankind is not an option. Until all humans realize that we need each other and all connect through compassion and love for all creation, we are domed for a viscous cycle of hard lessons. God wants us to take responsibility, this why life is an evolving process at every level from particle to cosmological.

God wants us to follow the convictions he places within each of our hearts. WE change the world (with God) ONE person at a time. If we just sit back and expect God to do what we were put here to do then we have not learned anything that God intended for us. God wants true companionship, and as of right now humanity cannot provide that. Therefore, the cycle of lessons will continue until we evolve to a higher consciousness of awareness. By us participating in learning to live in harmony with ALL God's creation we are fulfilling our purpose. We are the chosen one's, the one's that can and should make a difference. Having tolerance for inhumane acts, whether to humans or other species, is definitely NOT God's will. God gave us "free-will" for a reason, and I plan on using mine to do good in the world and hopefully to make a difference in the world. If people keep sitting back and saying, "God is in control" or God this or God that, we will NEVER accomplish God's intention for us. “God is in control” should not be used as a crutch for us not to do our part or fulfill our purpose. If people care so much about the bible then they need to start letting God truly use them as a vessel, and not keep waiting around for God to do the work we are meant to do. WE make a difference. We make things happen. We are responsible for ourselves AND the world we live in. Start with yourself and then you can really go out into the world and spread TRUE compassion and love. Racism toward other races or species MUST END! All I am saying is that people need to start actually using some of that "bible" knowledge, or any other religious knowledge, they claim to have... I honestly don't need to see quote after quote of bible, etc. versus that the majority of people don't truly comprehend or live. If people want to make a difference and truly live for God it is pretty simple. LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE AND COMPASSION FOR ALL GOD'S CREATION. WE ARE ALL KINDRED SPIRITS. WE ARE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN. WE ARE ALL EQUAL, CONCERNING COMPASSION AND LOVE. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. WE ALL EXPERIENCE THE CYCLE OF LIFE. IF YOU LOVE GOD, THEN YOU SHOULD LOVE GOD'S CREATION ENTIRELY WITH NO DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN RACES OR SPECIES. LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE!!!! FEEL IT AND LIVE IT, AND IT WILL ENCOMPASS ALL THAT YOU ARE AND REPRESENT!!

When I say equal I speak of equality in the showing of compassion, all God’s creation deserves equality as much as we do. When you kill a roach or spider do you purposely make them suffer or do you do it quickly as to avoid inhumane treatment. We are all equal when it comes to deserving compassion and treatment. I would also like to point out that I will educate people in all area’s of suffering, be it child abuse or domestic abuse or any other kind of abuse. Animal cruelty just happens to be the topic at the moment!!

Of course humans, as most species, have the innate instinct to protect their own. This system has served life well in evolution. However, I am not speaking on matters of choosing one species over another but to sustain humane treatment among all inhabitants of the earth. Our compassion should not be contained within limits of only humans but extended to all life, to all of God's creation. Compassion = respect and vice verse. God warded humans as the stewards of the earth. It is our duty to do right among all creation. The environment is no exception to this. If you view the earth as a living cell, then you can understand that all living organisms play a role. We all work together to sustain what we call life. Humans being the most advanced/evolved organisms have the highest responsibility to protect life in all forms. Humans that use their power and status in the cycle of life to cause suffering are inexcusable. I am suggesting that people wake up, quit being blind, and stand up against cruelty. It is up to us to make sure laws against cruelty are upheld to the fullest and to bring awareness to all that we know. All I ask of people is that they go watch the movie on Once you have watched that and you can still say that you don't understand my point, well then I am truly sorry and my heart is heavy. We are all creatures of God, and we all deserve compassion and respect! Go to and click on “Feature Film”. It’s a must see documentary about the inhumane treatment of animals. I am so conflicted as to changing my own lifestyle to live by example. Where the heck did human's compassion go? Do we even have a heart for living creatures? We are all connected, and until we wake the heck up and realize that we will NEVER be a peaceful anything nor will we ever live in true harmony.

The world's population will soon reach a level where there will not be enough resources to sustain life, as we know it. Growth must be checked to avoid this catastrophe. Many environmental, social, and economic problems either stem from or are increased in magnitude by the overpopulation problem. With an exponentially increasing population, the problems created by overpopulation grow correspondingly. 

In my opinion humans are becoming like a virus consuming everything in our way until we have depleted our planet's resources. We each have a choice on how we can contribute to saving our planet. Sacrifices must be made for the betterment of our world. 

If we keep going the way we are we will run out of food and water, and starvation will become more of a norm than you want to conceive. After watching how horrible we are to animals’ maybe we deserve to starve. Just pure sickening!!!! I'm fired up and feeling VERY disappointed in humanity right now... I pray that we all wake up before it is too late... This is a very important year for enlightenment!! Please start caring about the world, in which we all share and have a responsibility to!! Peace Out!!

I personally have no problem with consumption of meat if done in humane connate way, but to slaughter in inhumane ways is unacceptable and with good conscious I refuse to be apart of it and will be an advocate to bring awareness of the matter. It's gross, and that is staying it mildly. I am more than willing to try alternatives just to make a stand, not just with the consumption of meat but also other markets where animals are involves. I personally feel convicted by God to make a stand. We should all have a conviction to show compassion and love to all species. I just hope people learn that animals deserve kindness and love also.

My take is not that everyone becomes Vegan but that humans become more 'humane' in their approaches of slaughtering animals and to consider the effects of our actions up on other species in everything concerning them. Also, I think that it is an option to wear clothing, etc. made of animal skin and fur. 

Animals are not the ones devouring and depleting the earth's resources... Humans are the one with a higher consciousness. Therefore it is OUR responsibility to do the RIGHT thing... AND, for peat’s sake we could be a heck of a lot more humane... It is disgraceful how horrible and mean we are to the lower species... I mean really!!!!

If I want to eat meat I think I will stick to meat that are killed with dignity... Local deer or fishing for one... I will, personally, also be learning more about the Vegan lifestyle... Honestly after watching that movie I will always envision the horrible inhuman slaughter of those animals... And as far as milk, please pay close attention to how HORRIBLE they are to those cows that are supplying it. I love milk too, but OMGosh does it have to be under such inhumane conditions? There is always soymilk or brands of milk that cater to ‘happier’ cows. I cried so much during that movie... It hurt me to the very core down to my very soul... I can't imagine treating a living creature with such sick inhumane murder... I would hunt and kill a deer to eat, but I wouldn't do it with intentions of making it suffer and doing horrible violent acts to it as it suffers... How sick is humanity that we can condone such sickness? I don't sternly voice many definitive opinions, but this is NOT one that I will back down from. I will be an advocate for animal treatment from this point on for the rest of my life. I will do my part to bring awareness and educate people on the cruelty of what we are inflicting upon these animals. Laws need to not only be in place but should definitely be ENFORCED on these facilities with NO exception!!!

Keep in mind that animals are made from the same STARDUST that humans and the rest of existence are made from. They have molecular structure also. Humans just happen to evolve to higher consciousness. If you guys know anything about science, from particle to cosmological, you will understand that God lives within and all around ALL creation. God created ALL. We are ALL connected. We all are flourish energy at the most basic level. We must learn compassion for ALL God's creation, no matter the race or species!! If we can't comprehend this then I am afraid that humanity will never reach it's full potential. 

As far as the overpopulation, I am not necessarily saying sterilization but whether it is incentives or women being educated to consider being fixed or men for that matter is something that should at least be considered. If people continue having a high number of children the world's resources are going to indeed run out. Maybe it will not be in our generation but in generations to come. We need to start thinking past our own welfare of our world present and future. For instance, the US has an underground iceberg in the center of it and it is the main source of water, so what happens when that is depleted. Oh, well I will be glad to let you guys no that in California recycling of sewer is happening, and guess what there is no way for us to eliminate all the pharmaceuticals and food additives that we are consuming. Therefore, they are going back into those people. What health care issues to you think that will cause down the road? These are all serious issues. I'm not saying I have the answers, but I am saying that people need to be aware and start thinking about the big picture before it is too late.


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