"Wings of Deception"
By Pamela Carron
Product Description
Asa, an age old entity needs a new body. He has chosen one that belongs to Jacks, an avid atheist and attorney, specializing in child abuse victims. Honey, an agnostic psychotherapist, is transformed by a child with a terminal illness. Sheila, a legal secretary, is forced into marriage with a member of a dark cult and Dwight, the pastor of a small rural church, finds himself a single parent after the death of his wife. The four all band together to win a battle of good versus evil. In the fight for his life Jacks discovers his soul and his soul mate. This thrilling inspirational, romantic adventure takes place in New York City, rural Mississippi and the Sierra Mountains.Biography
Carron grew up in rural Mississippi, the sixth ofeleven children. She currently resides in Neshoba
County, Mississippi. She enjoys traveling and The
Shadows Dim was written in South Portland, Maine,
and Athens, Greece. The sequel, Whisper of the
Sun was published after returning from a summer
spent in a little fishing village, Sayulita, Mx.
When home, Carron spends time with her large extended
family. She is currently working on an exciting
spiritual fantasy due to be released November of 2010.
The Shadows Dim is dedicated to the memory of
her Mother, Catherine Rushing-Harvey,who passed
away five days after her daughter's first book signing.
Carron's life was filled with trials and triumphs
which gave her the aspiration of becoming a
published author. Having a love of words and the
imagination it takes to build unforgettable
characters, she embarks upon a journey which she
invites her readers to accompany her on.
Simple and true to life fiction of The Shadows Dim
and Whisper of the Sun promises chapter after
chapter of suspense and to keep the reader
involved in the story line until the very end, leaving
you wanting more. Only Carron knows if there will
be a third book in this most delightful story of
drama, intrigue, love and forgiveness so stay tuned
to find out.
This biography was provided by the author or their representative.
You can find her books at amazon.com! Click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser!!
LOVED this book!! An AWESOME read!! :)