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Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Sojourn Through Time And Space

Our Sojourn Through Time And Space
By Robbyn Wallace

Our purpose in life is to become whole; to learn the lessons needed to accomplish such a task is available through our interactions with one another. As we are born we become unaware, as our sojourn begins and takes form. Who are we? We are so much more than this simple human existence, which is a shell of who we really are. Hidden by human characteristics and human experience, struggling with the human ego. The more love, compassion, faith, etc. we embrace, the closer we become to wholeness and our trueness. We each have a path, a journey. To be more compassionate of one another’s own journey, the more we become whole and one with our creator. We need one another more than we realize, cause without the lessons we provide one another we can never become whole. These lessons are not always easy, but we should always be compassionate towards even our enemies. Forgiveness is the key; there is no true vindication through revenge or vengeance. If one lets anger and fear reside within them, wholeness will never be possible. Let go of anger and fear, for it does nothing but hold us back from our true potential. Just let go and be free. Practice makes perfect those things we most desire to grow within us. Find peace and solace in each moment of life, for there is joy to be found even in the most mundane of experiences. Others weaknesses allow opportunities for growth, your weaknesses also in return can provide opportunities for others growth as well. Together we can help one another find the wholeness and oneness with our creator. Love comes from within and radiates outward, effecting all that our existence touches. Each of us holds the power to help others. Helping others is something that comes from within; one should not help with ulterior motives in mind. Love without expectancies, even when love is not returned in full. Love should always be unconditional, even when choices are hard and results are not desirable. Life is too short to expect anything less of oneself!! 

Friday, March 4, 2011


“What Does It Mean To Be A Parent”
by Robbyn Wallace

There comes a time in your life when you have to make choices, actually many times in your life. The choices you make will determine the outcome, and consequences are inevitable. How far would you, as a parent, go to protect your child, even from the possibility, from being hurt? Sometimes these choices are so hard that you do not know how you will survive them. Especially when the choices being made have to be done at the cost of others feelings, even those that may or may not be guilty and that you love so much. Making the right choices for yourself and your child, this is most important.

What does it truly mean to be a good parent?

Selfless and unconditional love, without being an enabler. Sacrifice, of people and material things. Protecting at ALL costs. Knowing that you would lose the world and anything in it for your child without a second thought, and doing the right thing. Absorbing all the hurt and pain, being a cushion of protection. Nurturing, sharing, loving, protecting, and being a good example, someone that can be admired and respected in their eyes. Doing what is right, even when it isn’t easy. Practicing what you preach so that they learn to do the same. Showing compassion for them, and for all God’s creation. Discipline, structure, and teaching when necessary. Tough love, when necessary. Quality time with them is more important than quantity, even though quantity is great when available. Respect, given and received. Being honest and teaching honesty, no matter the consequences. Participating, being an active role, and playing an active role, in their life with consistency. Learning and growing together as a family. Being the rock when they need something solid to lean on. Loving
 Allowing them to see the humanity in you as a parent and a person. Being accessible to their needs. Teaching morals and values that will last a lifetime, a foundation they can build upon for the rest of their life. The list is endless, but this is a start

There is no mountain too tall, no valley too low, no ocean to wide to be the best parent you can be to your precious, gift(s), child(ren). Love them, protect them, cherish them and do not take them for granted, for you are not promised tomorrow to make it right with them
 Do it NOW!! Let them know they are loved, cherished, and appreciated for the wonderful person they are and can be. Teach them to have compassion for all of God’s creation, in return they may love and be loved beyond our expectations!!


Thursday, March 3, 2011


Myself Within
By Robbyn Wallace

It's okay, you can come out to play. No need to feel ashamed, you are not to blame. Truth will set you free, it's okay to just be me. No shame out there nor in here, there is nothing left to fear. There is more than just hope, it's time to learn to cope. For I am just me, who else could I possibly be! So much to give, so go out and live.

Soul Journey

Soul Journey
By Robbyn Wallace

Complacent with my thoughts, hoping for burst of ideas to form a magnificent ideal! Tired of being trapped within this confinement, ready for true freedom! So much compassion wasted on nothingness! Wanting more, needing less, and having what is. Struggles drowning my spirit within. The light at the end of the tunnel is still so dim. Trying to live up to expectations and desires, falling short. Not giving up, just struggling to continue. When will I have my hearts desire, wondering if it will ever come again. Discouraging at times but hopeful always, I will fight til the end. Without my dreams I am nothing. Dreams not consisting of earthly pleasure, but fulfillment of my soul. My purpose nothing but divine til the end of time, then passing into infinity is what I most desire! I am a spirit having a human experience, not the other way around!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


False Memory
Cognitive Psychology
By Robbyn Wallace


The phenomenon of false memory became an important issue in the 1980’s and 1990’s. At that time, many patients asserted they recalled memories of being sexually assaulted as a child. In many cases, false memories had been suggested or implanted by analysts. False memory became important in resolving many court cases. Analysts became targets for lawsuits due to implantation of false memories. Early studies were performed to verify if false memory was possible. In the last years of the twentieth century, more studies were performed to learn about false memory and how it can be affected, developed, altered and recalled. The results of the latest studies show false memory can and does occur. It can be altered by outside influences. False memories can be forced out of memory. They can be recalled freely. Within the studies considered, none showed the impact of emotions on false memory. This report will reflect the publications of experiments considered and reviewed. But, as none of them conclude emotion may act as an outside influence for false memory, they do not go far enough. Clearly, there is a need for a study to determine how false memory can be influenced by emotion in real life situations.

False Memory

False memory does not exist. It occurs. False memories are formed or retrieved in an atmosphere conditioned by the emotional state of the subject during the time the event occurs. People use sensory details to distinguish their memories. Memory is the key component in understanding theories of cognition. Some memories are true. Some are a blend of fact and fantasy. Others are entirely false. Due to the reconstructive nature of memory, some memories may be distorted through influences such as the incorporation of new information. The resulting memories, not based in historical reality, have been called false memories, pseudo-memories and memory illusions. Memory abilities and limitations are vital to understanding problem solving, decision-making, attention, and perception. False memory may impair these abilities.

Every aspect of cognition depends upon memory. How well one remembers things is an important issue for theories of cognition. To understand problem solving, decision-making, attention and perception one must know the abilities and limitations of memory. Quality of memory is important for practical reasons. Many events rely upon reports from human observers. Memory accuracy is critical to eyewitness testimony in criminal trials. Witnesses to crimes must accurately recall details of a traumatic event. Without accurate recall, witnesses could describe details differently than viewed. It is difficult to access memory without objective evidence such as pictures or tape recordings. It is also important in day-to-day events such as spousal arguments concerning who said what. Technical and mundane tasks require accurate recognition of memories in everyday situations.

Memory can be highly affected by suggestion. How can one be sure of where a memory originates? Does it originate from one’s own recollections, someone else’s suggestion, a dream, and pictures? An example: Can you remember your first birthday? If so, is it truly your own recollection? Actual memories can be induced when a person is encouraged to imagine specific events with no concern as to whether the event actually occurred—as when under hypnosis. In many cases, imagining an event will increase a subject’s belief the event actually occurred. This report proposes that false memory exist as a condition of cognition. There are many different studies on the subject of false memory; however, there is a need for studies to include the effect of emotions on false memory.


Three publications dealing with different factors affecting false memory are considered. The first publication studied the effects of manipulated studied and test modalities. The experimenter presented lists of words in auditory and visual modalities to participants. The second publication considers the affects of free and forced retrieval on false recall and recognition. By working in a controlled setting, there is greater control over variables that can be more easily identified and theories tested. The third publication deals with the affect of outside influences on false memory, by considering the effects of stress and personality traits. However, none of these studies consider the role that emotion play on false memories in real life conditions. 

The study conducted in the first publication compared states of awareness for both correct and false recognition’s across the four combinations of auditory and visual modalities at study and test. This experiment used fifty-six undergraduate students from several universities. The materials used were twelve of the 24 15-word lists used by Roediger and McDermott (199; Expt 2). (Maylor & Mo, 1999)

Maylor and Mo, the experimenters, developed several lists including critical theme words. In each of the lists, twelve words were used as critical theme words. For each study list the experimenters created a corresponding recognition test. Each of the twelve-item lists contained a critical theme word, seven studied words and four non-studied words. The critical theme words always appeared in a specific position on the list. They were always at the ninth, tenth, or eleventh position. Fifty-six students participated in the experiment. There were four experimental conditions. Assignment of the tests was performed randomly for the fifty-six student participants. (Maylor and Mo, 1999)

The participants were tested individually. Participants were instructed their memory would be tested on a series of word lists presented. They were informed whether the to-be-remembered words would be presented auditory or visually. Participants were required to count backwards aloud in threes from a randomly assigned 3-digit number for 15’s; this was required immediately after the presentation of each list. After each presentation of the list there was distracter task. Written responses were required. Participants then indicated whether each word was old (studied) or new (non-studied). They were asked to judge the level of awareness for each word considered as old. (Maylor & Mo, 1999)

In studying false memory, the experimenters studied remember, know and guess responses. The instructions they designed were based upon earlier studies. Remember responses were designed to be items with which the participants had experience and participants could recall something of that experience. Know responses were designed as items for which participants had no experience, but were confident they had studied the item. Guess responses were those for which participants had no experience or confidence of prior study. (Maylor and Mo, 1999)

The aim was to discover whether study and test modalities had consistent or opposite effects on correct and false memories. This experiment showed results that for auditory presentation at study, false recognition rates were lower than correct recognition rates. For visual presentation at study, correct recognition rates were lower than false recognition rates. (Maylor & Mo, 1999) “When study and test modalities match, stored sensory information can be used to enhance the correct recognition of studied words and to reduce the false recognition of critical lures. On the other hand, when study and test modalities differ, stored sensory information is less useful and so correct recognition is reduced and false cognition is increased.” (Maylor & Mo, 1999) Maylor and Mo demonstrated that false memory occurs across various combinations of auditory and visual modalities at study and test. This study confirms the occurrence of false memory by expansion of earlier studies.

The second publication emphasizes use of the DRMRS (Deese-Roediger-McDermott-Read-Solso or “drummers”) procedure. This procedure consists of using word lists to identify accurate and false recall. An alternative study determined there might be common processes in the DRMRS procedure and in real life. It is postulated that false recall can be processed during presentation, tests, or both. It is suggested that students recall more critical concepts as memories rather than studied list items. This theory has been strongly challenged various experimenters. By using forced methods for recall, participants may have relaxed standards for reporting critical concepts. Free retrieval developed more accurate recall. In other words, while false memory exists, it can be affected by the method of extraction.

The participants in this experiment were members of two psychology research methods classes, and they were assigned randomly to the free and forced retrieval instruction conditions. In the two conditions, participants for class one; there were 27 (free) and 26 (forced). The corresponding numbers in class two were 24 and 23. The lists were read in opposite order in class one than from class two. The materials consisted of six lists of 14 words associated with the central concepts (sleep, book, cold, eat, needle, and high), which the procedure was taken from the DRMRS procedure. This experiment constructed the cold list. The other lists were used from other studies constructed previously. (McKelvie, 2001)

The procedure used were two experimental groups that were given their retrieval instructions separately, in each class. The participants were then immediately brought together for testing in a single session. Both groups were told specifically how the experiment was to be conducted. They were also aware that they would have to immediately recall the items on each list in any order after it was read. In the free retrieval condition they were told to write down as many words as they could on the 14 spaces provided. The participants in the forced retrieval were to fill all 14 spaces. Class one and two were read the six lists in opposite order. The lists were read in order, depending on class, by the experimenter at a 3-s pace, with 2.5 min permitted for immediate written recall of each list. There was a rating scale to be completed after each word was recalled, which consisted of rating it for confidence. It was a 6-point scale: 4 – certain, 3 = very confident, 2 = reasonably confident, 1 = slightly confident, 0 = word written but no confidence it was on the list, -1 = word written but you think it was not on the list. The participants were required to rate each word they recalled. Once the participants completed the final list, they were then given an unannounced 18-word recognition test that contained three words pertinent to each of the six lists. (McKelvie, 2001)

The third publication references an experiment conducted in a laboratory setting where participants are shown pictures and words. It focuses on outside variables including stress imagery, trait anxiety and depression. The experimenters discuss hypnosis as a mental state variable, but relied more upon results from tests utilizing the variables of stress and trait anxiety. “A false memory in this task was defined as recalling as a picture, an item that had actually been presented as a word.” (Roberts, 2002)

The design of this experiment was to use the same questionnaires and to have the participants participate in the same memory task. Participants were tested early in the first semester and then late in the second semester prior to the end of year examinations, this allowed stress to be manipulated in a quasi-experimental way within participants. The experiment included 60 undergraduate students from Murdoch University. The materials and apparatus used in this experiment started with a set of 60 concrete nouns and 60 line drawings depicting these words, but in order to ensure that each drawing was identified with its associated verbal label there were five judges that were ask to name each picture. After the elimination process, the final set consisted of 50 words and pictures that were randomly assigned half to Set A and half to Set B. One set contained 25 words and the other set contained 25 pictures. There were four separate questionnaires used. The four questionnaires used were “The Speilberger (1969) State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Beck (1987) Depression Inventory (BDI), the Questionnaire on Mental Imagery (QMI, Sheehan, 1967) and the Verbalizer-Visualizer Questionnaire (VVQ, Richardson, 1994)” (Roberts, 2002). 

The procedure in this experiment was to administer one testing session early in the first semester and one testing session late in the second semester prior to the participant’s first examination during final examinations. The second testing session occurred between seven and eight months from the first testing session. The tests were administered in-groups of two to 15 in a quiet room. Participants were told that the experiment was on how people classify objects. In the first testing session participants were exposed to Set A, and were exposed to Set B in the second testing session, which the order was switched per group. There were three phases per testing session. The slides of pictures and words were presented for five seconds each in the first phase, and between each slide there was a blank screen present for one second. The participants were told that their accuracy on this test would be scored. There were a total of 50 slides presented, of which at the end the participant had to record their tally of animate and inanimate objects on a response sheet. The participants filled out the QMI, VVQ, STAI and BDI, in that order, in the second phase of the experiment. Participants were asked to recall all the pictures that had previously been presented and to write the names of those pictures on the response sheet, this was done in phase three. Participants were told not to write the names of words previously presented, and only two minutes was allowed for this task. Then participants were given a two-minute break before completing the second task, which consisted of again recalling previous pictures and writing words for the picture on a different response sheet. Participants were finally asked to make a “remember” or “know” judgment to each of the items they had recalled on the second attempt of the recall task. The experiment had an approximate duration of 45 minutes. (Roberts, 2002)


The various studies conducted established the existence of false memory. Two of the publications considered outside influences, which included the method of extracting false memory. The outside influences included stress, personality traits, and other factors. The publications did not consider the impact that emotions in real life situations have on false recall. Each publication was a giant step toward recognition and manipulation of false memory. By not including the filtering affect of emotions, the studies may not validate real life experiences. Emotions trigger how a memory etches itself into brain asymmetry, and the validity of its recall. What are emotions? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary emotions are: “a psychic and physical reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feelings and physiologically involving changes that prepare the body for immediate vigorous action.” Emotion can be the key component on whether or not a vivid memory is captured. In a scenario of a first date, where the person’s senses are heightened, they are more inapt to recall vivid details following the date. When the senses are at a more positive heightened state, memories seem to be captured more accurately. Understandably, highly negative emotions may trigger memory to be repressed. Emotions are an important factor on accurate recall; they can either diminish or enhance details of a memory. Further more, strong emotion can cause the development of false memories as a defense mechanism. Without considering the role emotions play on memory, one cannot conclude the accurate validity of false recall. However, each study done is a stepping-stone to better understanding of false memory. 


Freud postulated that many physical ailments of women patients were the result of sexual activity before the age of eight. The 1896 report shocked Europe. One year later, he abandoned his “seduction theory”, as there had been too many cases to be believable. In fact, it is possible Freud unwittingly implanted false memories during the interview process. (Fraser, 1994) There has been much controversy due to implantation of false memories during therapy, which led to numerous studies of false memory. The most commonly recognized false memory concerns was sexual abuse cases from childhood, being recalled during adulthood. In the 1980’s and 1990’s so many cases, of recalled child abuse, were brought to the attention of the public by news media. It became imperative for studies to determine the validity of previously unrecalled memories, due to the overwhelming publicity of recalled sexual abuse through therapy.

While various researchers employed different methodologies, similar conclusions about false memory were developed. Most studies were constructed through word or sentence recall tasks. They were primarily constructed with special distracters, which were used to help identify false memories. These special distracters were usually words or sentences that fit into the list or other sentences shown. There were also normal distracters, which may not have fit into the flow of the other words or sentences. Research on false memory included other test, which included color, pictures, videos, and sound. 

False memories can sometimes seem more valid than actual memories. In word structured studies confidence level of recall was higher for words that did not appear than for words that did appear. Interestingly, if people could have such confidence to recall words that did not appear in a list, then one cannot be certain of a person’s recall of an actual event.


Fraser, S. (1994, March). FREUD’S FINAL SEDUCTION. Saturday Night, 109(2), 19, 7.

Lampinen, J. M., Neuschatz, J. S., Payne, D. G. (Fall97/Winter98). MEMORY ILLUSIONS AND CONSCIOUSNESS: EXAMINING THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF TRUE AND FALSE MEMORIES. Current Psychology, 16(3/4), 181, 44.

Maylor, E. A., Mo, A. (1999, November). EFFECTS OF STUDY-TEST MODALITY ON FALSE RECOGNITION. Journal of Psychology, 90(4), 477, 17.

McKelvie, S. J. (2001, July). EFFECTS OF FREE AND FORCED RETRIEVAL INSTRUCTIONS ON FALSE RECALL AND RECOGNITION. Journal of General Psychology, 128(3), 261, 18.

Roberts, P. (2002). Vulnerability to False Memory: The Effects of Stress, Imagery, Trait Anxiety, and Depression. Current Psychology, 21(3), 240, 13.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wings of Deception by (My Mother) Pamela Carron


"Wings of Deception"

By Pamela Carron 

Product Description

Asa, an age old entity needs a new body. He has chosen one that belongs to Jacks, an avid atheist and attorney, specializing in child abuse victims. Honey, an agnostic psychotherapist, is transformed by a child with a terminal illness. Sheila, a legal secretary, is forced into marriage with a member of a dark cult and Dwight, the pastor of a small rural church, finds himself a single parent after the death of his wife. The four all band together to win a battle of good versus evil. In the fight for his life Jacks discovers his soul and his soul mate. This thrilling inspirational, romantic adventure takes place in New York City, rural Mississippi and the Sierra Mountains. 


Carron grew up in rural Mississippi, the sixth of
eleven children. She currently resides in Neshoba
County, Mississippi. She enjoys traveling and The
Shadows Dim was written in South Portland, Maine,
and Athens, Greece. The sequel, Whisper of the
Sun was published after returning from a summer
spent in a little fishing village, Sayulita, Mx.
When home, Carron spends time with her large extended
family. She is currently working on an exciting
spiritual fantasy due to be released November of 2010.
The Shadows Dim is dedicated to the memory of
her Mother, Catherine Rushing-Harvey,who passed
away five days after her daughter's first book signing.

Carron's life was filled with trials and triumphs
which gave her the aspiration of becoming a
published author. Having a love of words and the
imagination it takes to build unforgettable
characters, she embarks upon a journey which she
invites her readers to accompany her on.
Simple and true to life fiction of The Shadows Dim
and Whisper of the Sun promises chapter after
chapter of suspense and to keep the reader
involved in the story line until the very end, leaving
you wanting more. Only Carron knows if there will
be a third book in this most delightful story of
drama, intrigue, love and forgiveness so stay tuned
to find out.
This biography was provided by the author or their representative.

You can find her books at! Click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bipolar Pharmacological Treatments

Bipolar Pharmacological Treatments

Robbyn R. Wallace

Bipolar disorder is characterized by many symptoms that can be broken into manic and depressive episodes.  The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.  Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psychomotor retardation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990).  The manic episodes are characterized by elevated, expansive or irritable mood, increased energy/hyperactivity, pressure of speech, flight of ideas, inflated self esteem, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990).  Rarest symptoms were periods of loss of all interest and retardation or agitation (Weisman, 1991).  Most commonly, individuals with manic episodes experience a period of depression.  Bipolar disorder is diagnosed if an episode of mania occurs, whether depression has been diagnosed or not (Goodwin, Guze, 1989, p 11).  Bipolar disorder affects approximately one percent of the population (approximately three million people) in the United States.  As the National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association (MDMDA) have demonstrated, bipolar disorder can create substantial developmental delays, marital and family disruptions, occupational setbacks, and financial disasters. This devastating disease causes disruptions of families, loss of jobs and millions of dollars in cost to society. Many time’s bipolar patients report that the depressions are longer and increase in frequency as the individual ages. Often time's bipolar states and psychotic states are misdiagnosed as schizophrenia.  Speech patterns help distinguish between the two disorders (Lish, 1994).  

Table 1 

Classification of Mood Disorders
Bipolar disorder (a) Depressive disorder (b)
Bipolar I Major depressive disorder
     Manic episode Major depressive episode
     Mixed episode             Dysthymic disorder
Bipolar II Depressive disorder NOS
     Hypomanic episode
Cyclothymic disorder
Bipolar disorder NOS

Note. Categories are from the text revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; APA, 2000). Classification of mood disorders excludes those mood disorders that are due to a general medical condition or a substance. NOS _ not otherwise specified. (a) These disorders involve either depressive episodes or symptoms. (b) By definition, assigning a depressive disorder diagnosis indicates that there has never been a history of manic or hypomanic episodes or symptoms. (Rivas-Vazquez, Rey, Johnson, & Blais, 2002)

The onset of Bipolar disorder usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 30 years of age, with a second peak in the mid-forties for women. A typical bipolar patient may experience eight to ten episodes in their lifetime. However, those who have rapid cycling may experience more episodes of mania and depression that succeed each other without a period of remission (DSM III-R).  The three stages of mania begin with hypomania, in which patients report that they are energetic, extroverted and assertive (Hirschfeld, 1995). The hypomania state has led observers to feel that bipolar patients are "addicted" to their mania. Hypomania progresses into mania and the transition is marked by loss of judgment (Hirschfeld, 1995). Often, euphoric grandiose characteristics are displayed, and paranoid or irritable characteristics begin to manifest. The third stage of mania is evident when the patient experiences delusions with often-paranoid themes. Speech is generally rapid and hyperactive behavior manifests sometimes associated with violence (Hirschfeld, 1995).  When both manic and depressive symptoms occur at the same time it is called a mixed episode. Those afflicted are a special risk because there is a combination of hopelessness, agitation, and anxiety that makes them feel like they "could jump out of their skin"(Hirschfeld, 1995). Up to 50% of all patients with mania have a mixture of depressed moods. Patients’ report feeling dysphoric, depressed, and unhappy; yet, they exhibit the energy associated with mania. Rapid cycling mania is another presentation of bipolar disorder. Mania may be present with four or more distinct episodes within a 12-month period. There is now evidence to suggest that sometimes rapid cycling may be a transient manifestation of the bipolar disorder. This form of the disease exhibits more episodes of mania and depression than bipolar.

Table 2 

Core Features of Mania and Hypomania
1. Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
2. Decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only 3 hr of sleep)
3. More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
4. Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
5. Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli)
6. Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
7. Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments)

Note. From the text revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (4th ed.; APA, 2000). (Rivas-Vazquez, Rey, Johnson, & Blais, 2002)

Lithium has been the primary treatment of bipolar disorder since its introduction in the 1960's.  It is main function is to stabilize the cycling characteristic of bipolar disorder.  In four controlled studies by F. K. Goodwin and K. R. Jamison, the overall response rate for bipolar subjects treated with Lithium was 78% (1990).  Lithium is also the primary drug used for long- term maintenance of bipolar disorder.  In a majority of bipolar patients, it lessens the duration, frequency, and severity of the episodes of both mania and depression.  Unfortunately, as many as 40% of bipolar patients are either unresponsive to lithium or can not tolerate the side effects.  Some of the side effects include thirst, weight gain, nausea, diarrhea, and edema.  Patients who are unresponsive to lithium treatment are often those who experience dysphoric mania, mixed states, or rapid cycling bipolar disorder.  One problem associated with lithium is the fact the long-term lithium treatment has been associated with decreased thyroid function in-patients with bipolar disorder.  Preliminary evidence also suggest that hypothyroidism may actually lead to rapid cycling (Bauer et al., 1990).  

There are other effective treatments for bipolar disorder that are used in cases where the patients cannot tolerate lithium or have been unresponsive to it in the past.  The American Psychiatric Association's guidelines suggest the next line of treatment to be Anticonvulsant drugs such as valproate and lamotrigine.  These drugs are useful as antimanic agents, especially in those patients with mixed states.  Both of these medications can be used in combination with lithium or in combination with each other.  Valproate is especially helpful for patients who are lithium noncompliant, experience rapid cycling, or have comorbid alcohol or drug abuse.  Neuroleptics such as haloperidol or chlorpromazine have also been used to help stabilize manic patients who are highly agitated or psychotic.  Use of these drugs is often necessary because the response to them is rapid, but there are risks involved in their use.  Because of the often-severe side effects, Benzodiazepines are often used in their place.  Benzodiazepines can achieve the same results as Neuroleptics for most patients in terms of rapid control of agitation and excitement, without the severe side effects.  Some doctors as treatment for bipolar disorder have also used antidepressants such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) fluovamine and amitriptyline.  A double-blind study by M. Gasperini, F. Gatti, L. Bellini, R.Anniverno, and E. Smeraldi showed that fluvoxamine and amitriptyline are highly effective treatments for bipolar patients experiencing depressive episodes (1992).  This study is controversial however, because conflicting research shows that SSRI’s and other antidepressants can actually precipitate manic episodes.  Most doctors can see the usefulness of antidepressants when used in conjunction with mood stabilizing medications such as lithium.  

Table 3 

Beyond Lithiuma: Current Pharmacological Armamentarium for Bipolar Disorder
Anticonvulsants       Calcium channel blockers   Atypical antipsychotics   Benzodiazepines   Antidepressants
valproatea         verapamil               olanzapinea            lorazepam            bupropion
carbamazepine        diltiazem               risperidone            clonazepam             paroxetine
lamotrigine         nifedipine               clozapine                          fluoxetine
gabapentin         nimodipine               quetiapine                       citalopram
topiramate                          ziprasidone                       sertraline
tiagabine                                           venlafaxine

Note. Drug names: valproate (Depakote); carbamazepine (Tegretol); lamotrigine (Lamictal); gabapentin (Neurontin); topiramate (Topamax); tiagabine (Gabitril); verapamil (Calan); diltiazem (Cardizem); nifedipine (Procardia); nimodipine (Nimotop); olanzapine (Zyprexa); risperidone (Risperdal); clozapine (Clozaril); quetiapine (Seroquel); ziprasidone (Geodon); lorazepam (Ativan); clonazepam (Klonopin); bupropion (Wellbutrin); paroxetine (Paxil); fluoxetine (Prozac); citalopram (Celexa); sertraline (Zoloft); venlafaxine (Effexor). Approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of acute mania.  (Rivas-Vazquez, Rey, Johnson, & Blais, 2002)

In addition to the mentioned pharmacological treatments of bipolar disorder, there are several other options available to bipolar patients, most of which are used in conjunction with medicine.  One such treatment is light therapy.  One study compared the response to light therapy of bipolar patients with that of unipolar patients.  Patients were free of psychotropic and hypnotic medications for at least one month before treatment.  Bipolar patients in this study showed an average of 90.3% improvement in their depressive symptoms, with no incidence of mania or hypomania.  They all continued to use light therapy, and all showed a sustained positive response at a three-month follow-up (Hopkins and Gelenberg, 1994).  Another study involved a four-week treatment of bright morning light treatment for patients with seasonal affective disorder and bipolar patients.  This study found a statistically significant decrement in depressive symptoms, with the maximum antidepressant effect of light not being reached until week four (Baur, Kurtz, Rubin, and Markus, 1994).  Hypomanic symptoms were experienced by 36% of bipolar patients in this study.  Predominant hypomanic symptoms included racing thoughts, decreased sleep and irritability.  Surprisingly, one-third of controls also developed symptoms such as those mentioned above.  Regardless of the explanation of the emergence of hypomanic symptoms in undiagnosed controls, it is evident from this study that light treatment may be associated with the observed symptoms. Based on the results, careful professional monitoring during light treatment is necessary, even for those without a history of major mood disorders.  Another popular treatment for bipolar disorder is electro-convulsive shock therapy. ECT is the preferred treatment for severely manic pregnant patients and patients who are homicidal, psychotic, catatonic, medically compromised, or severely suicidal. In one study, researchers found marked improvement in 78% of patients treated with ECT, compared to 62% of patients treated only with lithium and 37% of patients who received neither, ECT or lithium (Black et al., 1987).  A final type of therapy is outpatient group psychotherapy. According to Dr. John Graves, spokesperson for The National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association has called attention to the value of support groups, and challenged mental health professionals to take a more serious look at group therapy for the bipolar population.  Research shows that group participation may help increase lithium compliance, decrease denial regarding the illness, and increase awareness of both external and internal stress factors leading to manic and depressive episodes. Group therapy for patients with bipolar disorders responds to the need for support and reinforcement of medication management, and the need for education and support for the interpersonal difficulties that arise during the course of the disorder.
It is clear that in our society many people live with bipolar disorder; however, despite the abundance of people suffering from the disorder, we are still waiting for definite explanations for the causes and cure. The one fact of which we are painfully aware is that bipolar disorder severely undermines its’ victims ability to obtain and maintain social and occupational success. Because bipolar disorder has such debilitating symptoms, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in the quest for explanations of its causes and treatment.



Participants were 20 Bipolar I patients receiving outpatient treatment from South Mississippi Psychiatric Group, who agreed to participate in a longitudinal study of the pharmacotherapy of the course of illness.  Patients had been diagnosed according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; DSM-IV) criteria, and all had a history of at least one manic episode.  All the patients in the clinic received a 3- to 4-hr diagnostic evaluation from at least one staff psychiatrist, who also obtained detailed information on prior psychiatric history and treatment, including dates of previous hospitalizations for bipolar disorder.  Following evaluation, patients were referred for treatment, and all the bipolar patients in the present study were on medication and followed by a staff psychiatrist.  A research staff member, a monitored patient’ clinical status on the basis of psychiatrists’ records.  When patients achieved remission or best clinical state, they were recruited.  After participants received a complete description of the study, written informed consent was obtained.  


An ongoing symptom assessment was used.  Patients were seen on an as-needed basis by their psychiatrists (usually monthly, but varying by individual need from weekly to every 3 months).  At each visit, the psychiatrist completed a DSM-IV checklist of symptoms, including those occurring since the last visit, of mania, hypomania, and major and minor depression; the psychiatrist also completed his case notes.  Changes in symptoms were dated as carefully as possible.  The physicians also made ratings of medication compliance and noted current medication treatment.  The patient was blind to physician records including routine clinic procedures.  
The information from patient visit reports were transferred by research staff to individual symptom time lines that indicated diagnostic status and dates and duration of symptoms.  The research staff, to determine whether and when patients experienced a significant change over the course of the follow-up inspected the time lines.  The time lines were also used to determine how many, if any, and how often relapses occurred during year 1; and also to determine how many remained in remission at the year 1 follow-up.  The research staff inspected each patient’s records every 2 weeks for year 1.  At each 2-week inspection of records, it was noted whether the patient remained in remission or had a relapse.  Also, the inspection noted whether the patients’ medications had changed when relapse occurred.  At the end of year 1 each patient’s records were reviewed by the research staff and analyzed for success of attaining remission status.


Among the patients, 4 were full-time students, 2 were professionals, 6 were too disabled to work (although a few performed voluntary services), and the rest worked at least part-time on a regular basis.  Overall, 60% remained in remission at the end of year 1; whereas, 40% were not in remission at the end of year 1.  Patients who remained in remission with less than 2 relapses in year 1 consisted of 2 students and 2 professionals.  Patients which remained in remission with 2 but less than 4 relapses in year 1 consisted of 2 students, 1 disabled, and 1 part-time worker.  Patients who remained in remission at the end of year 1 with 5 or more relapses and at least one hospitalization consisted of 2 disabled and 2 part-time workers.  Patients who were not in remission at the end of year 1 that were hospitalized 2 or more times consisted of 3 disabled and 5 part-time workers. 


Students and professionals are more likely to have fewer relapses than disabled are and part-time workers are.  Disabled and part-time workers are more likely to be hospitalized.  

NOTE:  -2 is remission with less than 2 relapses in year 1.  +2 / -4 is remission with more than 2 but less than 4 relapses in year 1.  +5 is remission with more than 5 relapses and at least one hospitalization is year 1.  Hospital is not in remission with one or more hospitalizations in year 1.


Diagnostic and treatments associated with bipolar disorder poses a challenge, particularly the various classes of medication currently used in pharmacotherapy for the disorder.  (Rivas-Vazquez, Rey, Johnson, & Blais, 2002)  This study was only to provide information on what type of patients attain remission versus not attaining remission.  The results showed that students and professionals are the most successful at attaining remission with the least amount of relapses in year 1.  They are more likely to be successful in remission because they are more educated.  It shows that part-time workers are the most likely to not attain remission and to be hospitalized in year 1, with disabled patients coming in close second.  Part-time workers may have a more difficult time reaching remission due to life-stress, such as social- or work-related.  Disabled patients are usually monitored more closely with their medications, but are more prone to not take medications properly or stop taking medications, which can cause relapses.  In all cases, it seems to be extremely important to have some type of therapy for support of medication therapy.  A patient having had psychosocial interventions is more likely to attain remission.  Although pharmacotherapy represents the primary treatment for bipolar disorder, augmentation with various psychotherapeutic techniques is now being recommended by practice guidelines (Rivas-Vazquez, Rey, Johnson, & Blais, 2002).  To offset high rates of medication discontinuation and overall noncompliance, psychotherapy is becoming the primary target.  Psychotherapeutic interventions are targeting risk factors associated with mood instability.  (Rivas-Vazquez, Rey, Johnson, & Blais, 2002)  Over the last several years, various forms of adjacent psychotherapy have been developed for bipolar disorder, including cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, psycho-educational, and family therapies (Rivas-Vazquez, Rey, Johnson, & Blais, 2002).  In this study we reviewed Bipolar disorder, diagnostic and pharmacological treatments, but did not review how psychotherapeutic interventions can impact the success of a patient to attain and maintain remission.  The success rate is believed to be higher in-patients who receive psychotherapeutic interventions along with medications.  Although lithium remains the most widely used resource, limitations associated with its use have prompted clinicians and researchers to explore the application of several different classes of agents, including anticonvulsants, calcium channel blockers, atypical antipsychotics, benxodiazepines and antidepressants, to the acute and long-term management of bipolar disorder.  Psychotherapeutic modalities can serve as adjunctive interventions to pharmacotherapy.  (Rivas-Vazquez, Rey, Johnson, & Blais, 2002)


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