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Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Sojourn Through Time And Space

Our Sojourn Through Time And Space
By Robbyn Wallace

Our purpose in life is to become whole; to learn the lessons needed to accomplish such a task is available through our interactions with one another. As we are born we become unaware, as our sojourn begins and takes form. Who are we? We are so much more than this simple human existence, which is a shell of who we really are. Hidden by human characteristics and human experience, struggling with the human ego. The more love, compassion, faith, etc. we embrace, the closer we become to wholeness and our trueness. We each have a path, a journey. To be more compassionate of one another’s own journey, the more we become whole and one with our creator. We need one another more than we realize, cause without the lessons we provide one another we can never become whole. These lessons are not always easy, but we should always be compassionate towards even our enemies. Forgiveness is the key; there is no true vindication through revenge or vengeance. If one lets anger and fear reside within them, wholeness will never be possible. Let go of anger and fear, for it does nothing but hold us back from our true potential. Just let go and be free. Practice makes perfect those things we most desire to grow within us. Find peace and solace in each moment of life, for there is joy to be found even in the most mundane of experiences. Others weaknesses allow opportunities for growth, your weaknesses also in return can provide opportunities for others growth as well. Together we can help one another find the wholeness and oneness with our creator. Love comes from within and radiates outward, effecting all that our existence touches. Each of us holds the power to help others. Helping others is something that comes from within; one should not help with ulterior motives in mind. Love without expectancies, even when love is not returned in full. Love should always be unconditional, even when choices are hard and results are not desirable. Life is too short to expect anything less of oneself!! 


The Conscious Call to Action: Engaging with the Challenges of Our Time

The world is shifting. The events unfolding around us are not just political battles—they are moral and spiritual reckonings that demand ou...